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Dropping, picking up, dropping – litter cycle continues unbroken

This story was posted 2 years ago 9 April 2019 in Environment, Health, OPINION/COMMENTARY 2 min. read Another day, (we might say: another year), another radio phone-in programme during which the littering problem is aired. News came today that a new strain of dengue has emerged. The old strains are still there. So are zika and yellow fever, both spread, like dengue, by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. We all know that the best way to avoid these highly unpleasant and in some cases fatal diseases is to prevent mosquitoes from breeding. Mosquito eggs only need a little water for a few days to hatch, and the eggs remain ‘alive’ for more than a year, waiting only for the water in which to begin their life as larvae. Clean-ups are much in fashion. Century 21, Scuba Tech, the Grenada Fund for Conservation have all led clean-ups in several areas recently, and have been joined by Leos, Sandals, the Grenada Green Group and others – including, to our shame, volunteers from abroad. On the morning of Prince Charles’s visit, men with shovels, wheelbarrows and brooms were in evidence everywhere. Even so, minutes after they had left the area clean, more discarded cans, bottles and wrappers read more click here

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